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Posted  30th Oct 2023

By  Lesley Beach  - Finance and Operations Manager

Fighting Cryptosporidium with the Happy Nappy Duo™


Cryptosporidium is a microscopic parasite that comes from faecal matter and causes cryptosporidiosis, a gastrointestinal illness marked by severe diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and fever. It is spread by the ingestion of contaminated faecal matter, most notably whilst swimming. Astonishingly, Cryptosporidium can live in chlorinated water for up to 11 days, and this ability to withstand chlorine disinfection presents a significant challenge in swimming pools.

On Thursday 27th October, The Daily Mail reported an “'Unprecedented' outbreak of diarrhoea-causing parasite that can spread in SWIMMING POOLS alarms health chiefs”[1] as the amount of Cryptosporidium cases has risen threefold since August 2023.

Reporting an investigation launched by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and published in Eurosurveillance [2], the Daily Mail goes on to say “early investigations suggest the spike is linked to swimming, including in pools” and that “the chlorine-resistant parasite is spread by contaminated faecal matter entering the mouth, such as while swimming.”

At Splash About, we are already well aware of the dangers of Cryptosporidium, and have made great strides to prevent the spread of this parasite within the baby swimming community long before these findings were published.

Enter, the Happy Nappy Duo™. The only swim nappy in the world that has been proven to kill the parasite cryptosporidium, as well as many other pathogens, within the nappy, even before it reaches the chlorinated water.[3] The Silver Lining within the Happy Nappy Duo™ is made by sputtering silver nanoparticles onto the polyester fibres, which flatten and shrivel cryptosporidium cells. After vigorous testing over a 2-year period, this silver lining and therefore the Happy Nappy Duo™, has been deemed the “best defence against viable Cryptosporidium and bacteria entering pool water”[4]

Great news for Splash About babies!! With a whole range of Happy Nappy Duo™ designs to choose from, parents and carers can be assured that their baby will not be contributing to this recent cryptosporidium outbreak. The Silver Lining Nappy Wrap is also available, offering the same silver technology protection, for any babies who already have the Happy Nappy™ but would like this extra layer of reassurance.

Happy Nappy Duo™

[1] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12679199/Britains-battered-poo-nami-Unprecedented-outbreak-diarrhoea-causing-parasite-spread-SWIMMING-POOLS-alarms-health-chiefs.html
[2] https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.43.2300538
[3] The anti-microbial effect of the Silver Lining Dr Pam Cameron BSc PhD DipHE MRSB FHEA, Novo Science Ltd
[4] The anti-microbial effect of the Silver Lining Dr Pam Cameron BSc PhD DipHE MRSB FHEA, Novo Science Ltd