Meet our Gurus
Posted on 29th June 2017

We are really excited that our Guru program is finally underway after a year of planning and at least two years of talking about how great it would be to have some!
In April we finally launched our mission to find 10 fantastic Gurus selected from our followers, our existing customers and those prospective customers at the start of their Baby swim journey; to help us trial and test new products in real-life situations.
Over a 3 month period, our Gurus will put our products through their paces, provide honest reviews and work with our Splash Lab on product development projects.
Introducing the first 3 Gurus:

Holly Hancocks and Toby
We are Holly (Mommy), Jim (Daddy) and Toby (or Pickle, as we affectionately call him). We live in the West Midlands, not far from Birmingham and we love all enjoying the outdoors together as a family. Toby has been swimming since he was three weeks old and our weekly swimming lessons are one of the highlights of our week. Our house is always a mess and we never seem to be on top of the washing up, which is probably why we enjoy getting out and about so much!
Jess Lathan, Woody and Nora
I’m Jess, Mama to the Powls clan and I am so delighted that we have been chosen to be Splashabout Gurus. As a former county swimmer, I was always so keen to encourage water safety and to develop my babies’ swim skills from as early an age as possible. Luckily, I gave birth to a part fish, part child known as Nora, now aged four who has always had a huge passion and flair for swimming from being a tiny tot. At aged four she has already achieved her 50m swim certificate. Along came Nora’s brother Woody, now aged 14 months, and it was clear that the love for swimming had been passed onto him too.
Having always used Splashabout products for the last almost five years of swimming sessions, we are super excited as a family to join the Splashabout campaign to help change the world, one bottom at a time!
When we’re not splash-splashing down at the pool you can usually find us out exploring, heading on mini adventures and quite frequently, eating cake!’

Louise Bennet, Zachary and Oliver
Hi…we are the Bennetts! I’m Louise, wife to Mike and busy Mummy to Zachary James and Oliver Beau. I am a working mum and feel very privileged to work with some amazing children in my role as a Children’s Occupational Therapist. I am down to earth, honest and a self-confessed shopaholic! We are super lucky to live in the Yorkshire countryside next to a farm and the boys love having cows, sheep and horses for neighbours! Oliver’s first words were “Baa Baa”!
Mike works in Television and gets to travel to some enviable destinations! When he is home he loves to take the boys on mini adventures. They are forever coming home with dirty faces, muddy knees and soaked “welly boots” as Zachary calls them.
Zachary is almost three and (mostly) through with the temper tantrums now! If I was to describe him in three words they would be kind, smart and brave. He is an absolute ray of sunshine in our lives and we couldn’t be more proud of him. He started swimming lessons with Swimbabes when he was 7 months old and has been weekly ever since. Splash About’s Happy Nappies and Wetsuits have been a God send for the boys and we have quite the collection now!
My (not so much) baby Oliver is 19 months and such a treasure, we love him to pieces. He is cuuuuute, full of smiles and knows how to get exactly what he wants! Oliver’s three favourite things are: food, being outside and his comforter which he calls “nah-nah”.